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Historical Price trend

Indian Government approves 100% FDI under automatic route in marketplace model of e-commerce

Marketplace e-commerce is the place where company only provides platform for buyer and seller to connect. The decision will help domestic players in attracting more FDI, while also opening doors for foreign e-tailers to easily set shop in India. However, FDI is not permitted in inventory based model of e-commerce. Marketplace may provide support services […]
Historical Price trend

Impact from G20 Summit on PTA plant operation

On May 11th, 2016, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Hall of Zhejiang Province issued documents regarding shutdown of manufacturers in and nearby Hangzhou where the G20 Summit will be held during Sep 4-5. According to the documents, Zhejiang Province is divided into three areas: core area, strict-control area and control area. Manufacturers are required to […]